Trust Issues
Sermon Series

Trust Issues

9/15/2024 - 10/20/2024

We all have trust issues. People can lie to you, hurt you, and let you down. Many of us have experienced deep wounds from someone we trusted. So, when God asks us to trust Him completely, it’s just not that easy. We want to trust God. We know we should trust God. What do we do with our trust issues when God doesn’t come through?

Faith Character Culture Grace Obedience Surrender Hope The Church

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Alisa Childers
Sermon Series

Alisa Childers

10/12/2024 - 10/13/2024

God’s Word tell us we should “live by faith, not by sight.” However, this doesn’t mean we should have blind faith. We should be able to give reasons for why we believe what we believe and answers to hard questions. Through multiple sessions, Christian author Alisa Childers talks through dangerous modern-day beliefs that are infiltrating the church, and why it’s so important for us to have a strong biblical foundation on which we can build a rational and informed faith.

Faith Bible Culture

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Sermon Series



As a church, our mission is to be “Everyday people living out our God-given calling as we invest in others to do the same.” Through Jesus, you’re not just saved from something; you’re saved for something—you have a unique purpose. We want to equip you to live out that purpose and empower you to make a difference where you live, work, and play.

Faith Fear Obedience God's Will

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Sermon Series


8/18/2024 - 9/8/2024

How we perceive our circumstances is all about perspective. When you look at a picture up close, it can be difficult to see the bigger picture. Sometimes, we need to take a step back, refocus, and change our perspectives.

Service Worry God's Will God's Promises Unity Faith Character Community Joy Peace

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The Alliance
Sermon Series

The Alliance

8/4/2024 - 8/11/2024

Jesus’ final command was to go and make disciples of all nations. Our denomination, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, is passionate about completing that command and making the gospel accessible to everyone. Because we have experienced His love, hope, and mercy first-hand, we are compelled to make Him known to all people.

Grace Missions Obedience Hope God's Will

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Faith Over Fear
Sermon Series

Faith Over Fear

4/21/2024 - 7/28/2024

In life, one thing is certain – our world is filled with uncertainty. These uncertainties can leave us feeling anxious, worried, and fearful. Although life can be unpredictable, our God is ever-present and never changing. In this series, we’ll look at how placing our faith over our fear can embolden us to live as world-changing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness Grace Salvation Sin Suffering The Ministry of Christ Obedience God's Will God's Promises Discernment Patience Holy Spirit Faith Bible Character Culture End Times Fear

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The Seven
Sermon Series

The Seven

6/23/2024 - 6/30/2024

The book of Revelation contains seven letters written to seven first-century churches. Each church is commended for its strengths and instructed in areas where it needs to make changes. From these letters, we will examine our own potential pitfalls so we can stay true and uncompromising to God’s Word, even when trials threaten to overwhelm us.

Bible Character Culture End Times Grace The Church

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Strange Land
Sermon Series

Strange Land

11/5/2023 - 6/16/2024

Our society is constantly moving further away from God’s values leaving many Christians feeling tension within our workplaces, schools, and government. When should we take a stand and when should we go along? Fortunately, we’re not the first people to experience a culture clash. When Babylon took captives from Jerusalem back to Babylonia, God’s people found themselves strangers in a strange land.

Identity Idolatry Pride Second Coming Spiritual Warfare Suffering Worship Doubt The Kingdom of God The Ministry of Christ Obedience Surrender Faith Character Culture End Times God's Promises The Church

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The Providence of God
Stand-Alone Sermon

The Providence of God


Do you ever feel like God is distant or inactive? Although God may not always feel near, He is constantly working. We see this throughout history and in our own experiences. How God orchestrates events is often unseen and unrecognized in the moment. But through hindsight, we can see how God intricately threads together events to bring about His divine will.

Faith God's Will God's Promises

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I AM the Resurrection
Sermon Series

I AM the Resurrection

3/29/2024 - 3/31/2024

Everyone loves a good story. Stories are the most powerful form of human communication, connecting us through shared experiences. The Easter story is the greatest story ever told, and it can also be the beginning of your story.

Faith Crucifixion Easter Resurrection The Ministry of Christ

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Stand-Alone Sermon



Is there an area of your life you’re trying to control? From your kids to your schedule, from money to your image, there are probably several aspects of your life where you’d prefer to have control. However, the reality is that you don’t always have the power to control. But you do always have the power to surrender.

Faith Salvation Surrender

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What's Missing?
Sermon Series

What's Missing?

2/11/2024 - 3/3/2024

We’re living in an imperfect, impure world. Relationships feel disposable. Everything is permissible if it feels “right.” People seem entitled. When it comes to our world today, what’s missing?

Obedience God's Promises Patience The Church Marriage Honor Faith Character Culture Hypocrisy Peace

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Who's Your One?
Stand-Alone Sermon

Who's Your One?


What would revival look like in our world today? Many of us want to see a revival of Christianity in our community, nation, and across the globe. But this task seems so daunting. Where do we start? We start with one person.

Gospel Salvation The Kingdom of God

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Have You Ever Wondered...
Sermon Series

Have You Ever Wondered...

1/7/2024 - 1/28/2024

Have you ever had questions about faith that made you question God Himself? Like, is Hell real? Why would a loving God create Hell? Is God even good? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? If you’ve ever asked those questions, you’re not alone! Through this series, we’ll discover how to process our doubts and explore answers to some tough questions.

Pain God's Will God's Promises Judgment Doubt God's Presence Prayer Salvation Suffering Faith Forgiveness Gospel Heaven Hell

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Why Do We Sing?
Stand-Alone Sermon

Why Do We Sing?


Worshiping God through song is a large portion of many worship services. But even for those who like music, singing in public can feel awkward. So why do we sing?

Faith Spiritual Warfare Worship

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Immanuel: God With Us...
Sermon Series

Immanuel: God With Us...

12/3/2023 - 12/24/2023

Immanuel: God with us. More than a name, Immanuel is a declaration of heaven meeting earth. He is God with us in the valleys, in the wilderness, in the storms. And the reason we celebrate Christmas is because He became God with us in the flesh.

Faith Christmas Encouragement Gospel Grace Peace Rest Salvation The Ministry of Christ Pain God's Promises

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God is Able
Stand-Alone Sermon

God is Able


In life, we will go through many seasons. You may currently be in a season of suffering. Or maybe you’re struggling through a season of doubt. Some may be in a season of depression. Maybe you’re in a joyful season of life! The comfort we have is that no matter what we’re currently facing, our God is able.

Encouragement Suffering God's Promises Doubt

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A Nefarious Plot
Stand-Alone Sermon

A Nefarious Plot


We believe political divisions within our country threaten to tear us apart. But what if the culprit isn’t a political ideology? The enemy has been manipulating us for centuries, and now he’s brought us to the brink of implosion. Satan has hatched a nefarious plot, and we must be aware of our enemy’s tactics so we know how to fight back.

Faith Bible Culture

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Biblical Marriages
Sermon Series

Biblical Marriages

10/1/2023 - 10/22/2023

Marriage is one of life’s greatest gifts, and one of life’s greatest challenges. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of marriage – some good, some not so good. What lessons can we learn and apply in our own lives from these marriages of the Bible?

Faith Bible Family Relationships God's Promises Conflict Marriage

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Now's the Time
Sermon Series

Now's the Time

9/10/2023 - 9/24/2023

Sundays were meant to be the best day of your week, but for most people, it’s a day of chores, yard work, and maybe a nap. But what about church? Now’s the time to make some changes that will change your life for eternity.

Faith Anxiety Culture Surrender The Church Worship

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Presence Driven Follower
Stand-Alone Sermon

Presence Driven Follower


Who are you? For most of us, we answer that question with what we do for a living – I’m a banker, I’m a doctor, I’m a mom. But who you are isn’t about what you do. Who you are is about Whose you are.

Faith Discipleship Identity Faith Discipleship Identity

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When Enough is Enough
Stand-Alone Sermon

When Enough is Enough


Can you be free from anxiety? The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything…” But with so much uncertainty in the world, is that even possible?

Faith Anxiety God's Promises

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Following Jesus to the Hard Places
Stand-Alone Sermon

Following Jesus to the Hard Places


Jesus has given His people the commission to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Our denomination, the Christian & Missionary Alliance, has sent over 700 international workers to over 65 countries with the goal of spreading the gospel to people who do not have access to the Good News. Today, we’ll hear from one of those international workers who is committed to following Jesus to the hard places.

Faith Culture Missions

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Stand-Alone Sermon



The worries and burdens of the world threaten to stunt our spiritual growth daily. We’re constantly bombarded with information – what our friends are doing, world news, work emails, advertisements. Because of technology, we’re never truly alone, and we have access to more information than we could ever need. Although technology has its benefits, we’re slowly losing the meaning of one important practice – solitude.

Faith Culture Distraction

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We Matter
Stand-Alone Sermon

We Matter


We matter to God. We all have broken areas of our lives, areas filled with pain, grief, and hurt. But we have the power through Jesus Christ to overcome whatever the world throws our way.

Salvation Sin Addiction

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Man on the Run
Sermon Series

Man on the Run

11/13/2022 - 7/30/2023

Running away from God is nothing new. We see it through the story of Jonah, and we see it in our own lives. Although we can run from God, we can’t outrun God. He is a God of second chances, always ready and waiting for us to rediscover His epic grace.

Faith Anger Forgiveness Grace Idolatry Suffering Obedience Surrender Hope

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Seize the Day
Sermon Series

Seize the Day

6/25/2023 - 7/16/2023

One day, we will die. Although we understand the concept of mortality as human beings, most of us don’t think about our deaths. Thinking about death may seem morbid, but filtering decisions through the lens of mortality can help discern what to simplify, what to treasure, how to leave a legacy, and how to seize the day so we can die without regret.

God's Promises Grace Heaven Salvation Suffering Obedience Surrender Faith Family Gospel

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Bad Dad
Stand-Alone Sermon

Bad Dad


If you could have God erase one social justice issue from the world, what would you choose? Poverty? Violence? Racism? Although our society faces many problems, there’s one factor that influences a person’s future more than any one social justice issue.

Fatherhood Sin Pain

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Dangerous Thinking
Sermon Series

Dangerous Thinking

5/14/2023 - 6/11/2023

Your pattern of thinking affects your whole life. How you problem solve, how you interact with others, and your perspective on the world is shaped by your thoughts. But some patterns of thinking can be dangerous, leading to nothing but bitterness and destruction. So how do you take control and reshape your thinking?

Anger Culture Forgiveness Surrender Holy Spirit Grace

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The Great Disconnect
Stand-Alone Sermon

The Great Disconnect


Have you ever told a story to someone only to have them miss the point completely? There are times when what you say and what’s interpreted are disconnected. The same can be said of God’s Word. Sometimes there’s a disconnect between what God says and how we interpret it.

Blessing God's Will Glory Holy Spirit

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Bridging the Gap
Stand-Alone Sermon

Bridging the Gap


Advancements in technology have drastically changed what kids experience throughout childhood. What growing up was like for someone born 60 years ago is a world apart from what growing up is like for kids now. Although faced with vast differences, we must bridge the gap between generations to pass on the baton of faith.

Culture Discipleship Family

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Bible Characters
Sermon Series

Bible Characters

4/23/2023 - 5/7/2023

God’s Word is comprised of incredible stories about people throughout history. From their stories, we can learn important lessons about what to do and sometimes what not to do. Throughout this series, we’ll take a closer look at different characters of the Bible and learn that obeying God – even in the small things – can impact the future.

Faith Culture Holiness Persecution Sin Obedience God's Will Glory Addiction

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Long Story Short
Sermon Series

Long Story Short

3/19/2023 - 4/16/2023

The Bible is made up of 66 different books that weave together one truly epic story! When we look at books of the Bible individually, we can sometimes miss the big picture God is trying to show us. What is the overarching message of the Bible?

Bible Creation End Times Hope God's Will Marriage Rest

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The Greatest Story
Sermon Series

The Greatest Story

4/7/2023 - 4/9/2023

Easter is the greatest demonstration of God’s power known to man. Jesus’ death on the cross was payment for our sins. But when Jesus died, it was also the death of death. Although we all must experience a physical death, our lives will continue with Him for eternity.

Bible Crucifixion Easter Salvation The Ministry of Christ

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Finishing the Work
Sermon Series

Finishing the Work

2/26/2023 - 3/12/2023

It can happen to anyone – one day you wake up and realize you’re not where you thought you’d be. You thought you’d have that career by now. You thought you’d have a thriving marriage by now. You thought you’d be a parent by now. How do you keep moving forward when it feels like life is passing you by?

Blessing Obedience Comparison Holy Spirit Faith Forgiveness Holiness Persecution Sin Work

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Sermon Series


2/5/2023 - 2/19/2023

Within this series lies the truth. Actually, it’s the truth about lies. Satan has an endless supply of lies and accusations that keep you from being the person God wants you to be. Learn how to discern God’s truth and find your true identity in Christ.

Faith Grace Identity Salvation Sin The Law The Ministry of Christ Temptation Holy Spirit

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Everyday People
Sermon Series

Everyday People

1/15/2023 - 1/29/2023

Why do we exist as a church? All local churches have been given the charge by Jesus Christ to “go and make disciples.” But who are we as Bedford Alliance Church? Learn more about our specific mission and how you can be part of it.

Culture Discipleship Gospel Grace The Kingdom of God Obedience God's Will The Church Glory

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God of Miracles
Stand-Alone Sermon

God of Miracles


Do you believe in miracles? Some may attribute it to luck or coincidence, but we think God is involved when the impossible happens. Although we serve a God of miracles, His miraculous power may not always come when or look how you expect.

Salvation Sovereignty God's Will Worship

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Putting God First
Stand-Alone Sermon

Putting God First


To give your first is to give your best. When you give someone the first of your time, you’re showing how important they are to you. When you put your spouse’s needs first, you’re showing them how much you love them. So what does it mean to put God first?

The Law The Ministry of Christ Tithing God's Will

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Let It Be
Stand-Alone Sermon

Let It Be


What does Christmas morning look like at your house? For many of us, it looks like a chaotic mess of newly opened toys strewn on the ground, mounds of discarded wrapping paper, empty boxes, and well-intentioned cinnamon rolls burning in the oven. Sometimes our lives feel out of control. Although in life you can’t always control, you can always surrender.

Christmas Peace Surrender

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A Christmas Letter
Stand-Alone Sermon

A Christmas Letter


Will the real Jesus please stand up? With so many religions and claims of truth in the world, how can we know what is real? The Old Testament of the Bible is a letter God wrote to His people pointing them to the fulfillment of long-ago prophecies through the One who would be born on Christmas Day.

Christmas Salvation Second Coming

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Misunderstood God
Sermon Series

Misunderstood God

11/27/2022 - 12/18/2022

People reject God for several reasons. Maybe they’ve been hurt and feel they just can’t believe in a good God when bad things happen. Others want to believe in God but can’t sense His presence. Whatever the reason, people are usually not rejecting the God of Bible. They’re rejecting a misunderstood view of God.

Faith Grace Holiness The Ministry of Christ God's Will Holy Spirit Hypocrisy Salvation Sin Sovereignty Suffering The Law

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Culture Conversations
Sermon Series

Culture Conversations

6/5/2022 - 11/6/2022

It’s no secret that we live in a scary world. Sometimes it seems easier to just ignore hard issues and pretend they don’t exist. But Jesus addressed difficult topics head on, and so should we. In this series, we’ll have an open conversation about the hard issues we face in our culture today.

Faith Anxiety Community Culture Forgiveness Identity Obedience Hope Addiction

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Invisible Battles
Sermon Series

Invisible Battles

10/16/2022 - 10/30/2022

We’re fighting a battle in a world beyond the one we can see. The war between good and evil is part of a supernatural, spiritual world that’s all around us. How can we prepare ourselves for invisible battles?

Culture Forgiveness Pride Sin Spiritual Warfare Suffering The Ministry of Christ Holy Spirit

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Hope and a Future
Sermon Series

Hope and a Future

9/11/2022 - 10/9/2022

How do we remain hopeful in a world that seems hopelessly broken? How do we trust a God that seems absent? How do we find peace in a world that is spinning out of control? If you’ve ever asked questions like these, you’re not alone. Uncertainty is nothing new, and the uncertainty we face today is no different from the uncertainty faced by the men and women of the Bible. Through their stories, we can see how God was moving and faithful, even through times of turmoil. No matter what you’re facing, know that God still has a hope and a future for you.

Faith Anxiety Bible Encouragement Hope God's Will Joy Prayer Sin Sovereignty The Kingdom of God

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The Wanderer
Sermon Series

The Wanderer

8/28/2022 - 9/4/2022

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, “How did I end up here?” As human beings, we tend to deviate from the path God wants for us. Staying on course requires dedication and self-examination. Through this series, learn how to draw near to God and stop being a wanderer.

Faith Bible Idolatry Salvation Sin Surrender God's Will Addiction Holy Spirit

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What's Next?
Stand-Alone Sermon

What's Next?


It can be difficult to discern God’s will for your life. When faced with tough decisions, how do you make the right choice? Find out what to do when you’re left asking, “What’s next?”

Marriage Wisdom God's Will Discernment

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Expect Delays
Stand-Alone Sermon

Expect Delays


Sometimes what you’re going through doesn’t line up with what you know about God. You ask, “How long, Lord?” How long until my loved one is healed? How long until my prayers are answered? How long until the suffering ends?

Faith Prayer Patience Doubt

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Sermon Series



Too often we’re prisoners of our own thoughts. We become paralyzed by the voices in our head that tell us we need to worry, we’re not good enough, or that we won’t ever change. How do you escape this pattern of unhealthy thinking? Learn what it means to take your thoughts captive and rewire your thinking.

Faith Bible Sound Doctrine Obedience God's Promises Doubt

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If God is Good...
Sermon Series

If God is Good...

7/10/2022 - 7/17/2022

It’s obvious we don’t live in a perfect world. Bad things happen around us all the time. Turn on the news and you’ll hear stories of natural disasters, shootings, poverty, and brokenness. In your own life, you might be affected by illness, addiction, job loss, abuse, or another terrible situation. If our world is so full of bad things, how can God possibly be good?

Sovereignty Suffering Pain

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Clothed with Power
Stand-Alone Sermon

Clothed with Power


Do you ever feel like you’re running on empty? It doesn’t have to be that way! God desires that you would be clothed with His power – you just have to know how to access it.

Faith Prayer God's Will God's Promises Holy Spirit

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Who Am I?
Stand-Alone Sermon

Who Am I?


Have you ever fallen into a cycle of shame? You ask yourself, “Why don’t I have the power to change?” Self-discipline is the act of choosing what you want most over what you want now. Learn to break the cycle of shame and stop doing what you don’t want to do.

Discipline Sin Temptation

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Man on the Mat
Stand-Alone Sermon

Man on the Mat


You most likely have a friend or family member who encouraged you to begin your spiritual journey. As you remember the people who guided the start of your relationship with Jesus, consider the people in your life who you could help do the same.

Faith Community Forgiveness

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Worry & Fear
Sermon Series

Worry & Fear

5/15/2022 - 5/22/2022

Worry and fear can keep you up at night. When you become overly anxious, it can take a toll on you mentally and physically. Throughout the Bible, God tells us, “Do not worry,” and “Do not fear.” How do you rise above your worries and fears to live God’s calling to the abundant life?

Anxiety Fear Worry God's Promises

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Asking for a Blessing
Stand-Alone Sermon

Asking for a Blessing


If you believe in a God of miracles, why not ask for it?

Prayer Pain Blessing Obedience

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God's Family
Stand-Alone Sermon

God's Family


We can’t choose the family we’re born into. Some of us are fortunate enough to grow up in a loving home. Others are faced with struggling family members, addicted family members, or abusive family members. The good news is that no matter what family you were born into, you can choose to become part of God’s family.

Community Family Addiction

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Counterfeits for the Soul
Stand-Alone Sermon

Counterfeits for the Soul


Worshiping idols has been a problem since the fall of Adam and Eve. Our souls are vulnerable to the seduction of idolatry. We’re made to worship something. How can we be sure our worship is focused on the right thing?

Faith Idolatry Worship

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When Everything Changed
Stand-Alone Sermon

When Everything Changed


There are moments in history that change us forever – Pearl Harbor. September 11, 2001. Covid-19. These moments reveal our vulnerability and keep us from ever going back to the way we once were. Over 2,000 years ago, a moment in history changed everything. Because Jesus is risen, our past, present, and future will never be the same.

Easter Resurrection Salvation Sin Justification Hope

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Good Friday
Stand-Alone Sermon

Good Friday


Most of us are familiar with John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son…” God loved you so much, He came to this earth in human form. God loved you so much, He experienced the pain and suffering of the cross. God loved you so much, He sacrificed His only Son’s life for you. God loved you in this way.

Communion Crucifixion Gospel Resurrection

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Overwhelmed with Sorrow
Stand-Alone Sermon

Overwhelmed with Sorrow


When you’re overwhelmed with pain, pressure, and problems, control can become a source of comfort. We like to believe that we have control over our lives, but control is actually an illusion. Although we don’t have the power to control, we always have the power to surrender.

Salvation Pain Sorrow Surrender

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Sermon Series


3/20/2022 - 4/3/2022

Grace is part of the greatest story ever told. It’s the story of God sending His Son to die on a cross for us and Jesus overcoming death. Grace is the reason we rejoice and hope for the future. Learn more about the grace God offers you and the ways you can extend grace to those around you.

Discipleship Family Grace Service Sin The Ministry of Christ

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Sermon Series


2/13/2022 - 3/13/2022

What do you do when life swallows you? Sometimes the choices we make hurt ourselves and hurt others. In the middle of the storm, we need to learn to trust God and hear His voice above the crashing waves. Learn how to navigate the storms of life and keep the storms around you from becoming the storms inside you.

Faith Character Encouragement Fear Prayer Sanctification God's Will Doubt Sin Suffering The Fall Pain Hope

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Missions Emphasis 2022
Sermon Series

Missions Emphasis 2022


Because we have experienced God’s love, hope, and mercy first-hand, we are compelled to make Him known to all peoples of all nations. We believe in sharing all of Jesus to all the world!

Culture Gospel Missions

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Learn to Discern
Sermon Series

Learn to Discern

1/9/2022 - 1/30/2022

You haven’t finished your life story. What will you do with the blank pages? The decisions you make today will determine your destiny tomorrow. When you learn how to discern God’s will, you'll always be headed in the right direction. In this series, you will learn how to seek God's will for your life and how He cares more about who you are than what you do.

Faith Fear Wisdom Obedience Surrender God's Will God's Promises Discernment Distraction

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A New Perspective for a New Year
Stand-Alone Sermon

A New Perspective for a New Year


Focusing on eternity gives us endurance for this life and helps us center on our lives on what really matters. Learn how eternal thinking can fuel your everyday living.

Bible Gospel Heaven Persecution

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Stand-Alone Sermon



What takes your time away from God? One of Satan’s greatest tactics is keeping us so busy, we put God in the background. In today’s world, it’s easy to become distracted as we are pulled in several directions. How can we keep our focus on God?

Faith Culture Distraction Faith Culture Distraction

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The Movement
Sermon Series

The Movement

12/5/2021 - 12/25/2021

Have you ever waited for something for a really long time? You go through so many emotions in that season of waiting – anticipation, longing, hope, frustration, impatience. God’s people waited thousands of years for the fulfillment of a long-ago promise. They wanted a better life and a Savior who could take away their sins. In quiet anticipation, the world waited for the One who was to come. Then one silent night, the wait was over. The heavens and earth rejoiced at the realization of the Savior. Jesus Christ was born. His life began on this earth in a manger, and he would start a movement that would change the world forever.

Bible Birth of Christ Christmas Crucifixion History Salvation Sin The Ministry of Christ

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Quitting Time
Sermon Series

Quitting Time

10/24/2021 - 11/28/2021

Your negative habits could be taking over your life. Jesus Christ has come to set you free from the actions and mindsets that hold you hostage. Whatever habit you just can’t break - fear, worry, compromise, judgment, sin – it’s time to quit!

Faith Culture Fear Hypocrisy Prayer Resurrection Worry Compromise God's Promises Doubt Salvation Sin The Kingdom of God The Ministry of Christ

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Sermon Series


10/3/2021 - 10/17/2021

It’s easy to point out the flaws in others. We clearly see what others have done wrong and what they could do better. What’s not as easy is honest, authentic self-reflection. God has commanded us to examine our own hearts. We need to reflect on how we judge ourselves, what our lives reflect about God, and how we’re using the gifts God has given us.

Faith Gospel Comparison Envy The Church Heaven Sin The Kingdom of God The Law The Ministry of Christ

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Stand-Alone Sermon



The Bible tells us, “Do not judge.” Or does it? This phrase is most commonly used when people feel criticized for their actions by Christians. So how do we properly interpret this part of Scripture?

Bible Sound Doctrine Discernment Judgment Pride Sin

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Sermon Series


7/11/2021 - 9/19/2021

We are saved by faith alone, but faith without works is dead. The world is tired of hearing about Jesus’ love – they want to see it. People are not easily convinced to believe without proof. If we are true followers of Jesus Christ, our faith will be reflected in how we live to prove that our faith is real, observable, and authentic.

Faith Anger Bible Character Community God's Promises Grace Prayer Sin The Law Work Blessing Obedience Justification Encouragement Forgiveness Envy Patience Conflict The Church Temptation Wisdom

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Life Challenge
Stand-Alone Sermon

Life Challenge


Life Challenge is a residential rehabilitation center providing hope, healing, and help to people struggling with drug addiction. Today, we’ll hear from Pastor Jeff Bonzelaar who is the Executive Director of Life Challenge in Detroit and Flint.


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All of Jesus for All the World
Stand-Alone Sermon

All of Jesus for All the World


Guest Speaker – Alliance Worker Andrew Brake.

Culture Gospel Missions

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Praying for Unity
Stand-Alone Sermon

Praying for Unity


During Jesus’ ministry on earth, he prayed for unity among the believers. One of Satan’s most successful schemes is to divide us because unified believers in Christ are unstoppable. Today, we’ll learn about three reasons to pray for unity.

Prayer The Church Unity

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Awe of the Almighty
Sermon Series

Awe of the Almighty

6/20/2021 - 6/27/2021

We worship a big God. When we examine the sun, the stars, and the sky, we can sense the enormity and power of our God. Truly understanding God’s power can quickly turn our awe of Him into fear. But is fear really such a bad thing?

Bible Creation Fear Prayer Sin Wisdom Worship Glory

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Stand-Alone Sermon



What is your attitude toward God? Your attitude can be displeasing to God, drive you further from God, or, if you choose, bring you closer to Him.

Anxiety Character Pride Hope Mercy Addiction

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A Selfie-Centered World
Stand-Alone Sermon

A Selfie-Centered World


Technology is changing our world. How we live, work, and relate to others is different today because of technology. Although technology makes our lives easier, does it make our relationships more fulfilling?

Community Culture

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Wrong Thinking
Sermon Series

Wrong Thinking

5/2/2021 - 5/30/2021

Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking?

Faith Community Forgiveness Holiness Hypocrisy Joy Prayer Sin Conflict Worship

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