Dangerous Thinking Dangerous Thinking

Dangerous Thinking

Sermon Series
5/14/2023 - 6/11/2023

Your pattern of thinking affects your whole life. How you problem solve, how you interact with others, and your perspective on the world is shaped by your thoughts. But some patterns of thinking can be dangerous, leading to nothing but bitterness and destruction. So how do you take control and reshape your thinking?

Anger Culture Forgiveness Surrender Holy Spirit Grace

In This Series

Don't Make a Point, Make a Difference

Don't Make a Point, Make a Difference

Dangerous Thinking | Part 1

Anger Culture Grace

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3 D's for Destruction

3 D's for Destruction

Dangerous Thinking | Part 2

Anger Forgiveness Holy Spirit

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Bitterness is a Corrosive Ulcer

Bitterness is a Corrosive Ulcer

Dangerous Thinking | Part 3

Anger Forgiveness Surrender

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