Current Series

Living Responsibly

It’s human nature to shift blame. From the beginning of time, people have pointed fingers and avoided owning up to their mistakes. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. But when we refuse to take responsibility for our decisions and actions, we don’t just leave our mess unresolved—we pass the burden onto someone else. Through this series, we’ll discover how to break the blame cycle, embrace personal responsibility, and experience the freedom that comes when we own up to our actions.

Faith Character Culture Discipline

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Living Responsibly
Sermon Series

Living Responsibly

1/5/2025 - 1/12/2025

It’s human nature to shift blame. From the beginning of time, people have pointed fingers and avoided owning up to their mistakes. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. But when we refuse to take responsibility for our decisions and actions, we don’t just leave our mess unresolved—we pass the burden onto someone else. Through this series, we’ll discover how to break the blame cycle, embrace personal responsibility, and experience the freedom that comes when we own up to our actions.

Faith Character Culture Discipline

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The Untold Story of David and Goliath
Stand-Alone Sermon

The Untold Story of David and Goliath


The story of David and Goliath is seen as a powerful metaphor for facing life’s giants with God on our side. But what if there’s more to the story? Through the lens of Scripture, we’ll see Goliath not just as an enemy of the Israelites, but as a representation of our spiritual enemy. David, the unlikely champion, serves as a foreshadowing of our Savior who would confront and defeat the powers of darkness. Discover how the untold version of this story points us to God’s plan for redemption.

Grace Salvation The Ministry of Christ

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A Moment in Time
Sermon Series

A Moment in Time

12/1/2024 - 12/24/2024

The birth of Jesus Christ was a moment in time that changed the course of history. Each year, we step into the familiar Christmas story through the perspectives of those who lived it – Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the Magi. Nativity scenes remind us of how these ordinary people experienced an extraordinary moment in God’s plan. Although Christmas is the time we celebrate the incarnation of God through a baby boy, we often forget the cosmic reality of Jesus’ birth. While the world may have experienced a “silent night,” the heavenly realm was anything but calm.

Grace Peace Salvation The Ministry of Christ Faith Anxiety Birth of Christ Christmas Hope Fear

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The Right Song on the Wrong Side
Stand-Alone Sermon

The Right Song on the Wrong Side


Thanksgiving is a time we reflect on God’s blessings in our lives. We give thanks and sing songs of praise for all God has done for us. But sometimes we give God praise at the wrong time. We often sing and give thanks once a battle is won instead of demonstrating our faith by praising God before we know the outcome.

Obedience Surrender Doubt

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What Kind of Warrior Are You?
Stand-Alone Sermon

What Kind of Warrior Are You?


We all experience unexpected giants in our lives. Enemies that come against us out of nowhere. It could be a phone call in the middle of the night letting you know a loved one is in jail. Perhaps it’s a doctor’s appointment with unfathomable news. Maybe you just learned that the company you’ve dedicated your life to is letting you go. Whatever the personal circumstances, there are three truths we need to remember when facing a giant.

Faith Spiritual Gifts Surrender

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Beauty for Ashes
Stand-Alone Sermon

Beauty for Ashes


Jesus’ final act before going to the cross was to eat with His disciples in the upper room. During this meal, He told the disciples to remember Him and repeat what He’d just done. Jesus wasn’t worried that His disciples would forget Him. Jesus wanted the disciples – and us – to remember that no matter what happens, He is sovereign.

Communion Sovereignty Obedience God's Will

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