About Us About Us

Who We Are

Everyday people living out our God-given calling as we invest in others to do the same.

You are called to something more! Whether you know it or not, God created you with a unique purpose. We’re here to help you find your calling and find your people. As you develop a community of believers and begin to live out your God-given calling, you’ll see your life transform like you never thought possible. Let’s journey together!

Discipleship Pathway

What's your next step?

At Bedford Alliance, we want you to do three things:

  1. Gather in worship.
  2. Find your people.
  3. Live your calling.

Gathering in worship happens on Sunday mornings at 9 & 11 am.

We know the importance of building a community, so we want to help you find your people. Finding your people happens through Small Groups and Serve Teams. Joining a Small Group or a Serve Team makes big church small. They’re a place where you can grow spiritually, connect relationally, and care personally. For help finding your people, we recommend taking our one-time class Discover BAC.

Lastly, we want you to live out your calling. God has a purpose for your life. We believe that purpose is both knowable and nameable. We can help you discover and name your calling and find ways to live out that calling through our video curriculum, Equip.

Equip will help you build a solid biblical foundation, discover your own personal God-given calling, and create a plan to live out that calling. Living out your calling happens in your everyday life where you live, work, and play. You may be called to make a difference in your school, workplace, neighborhood, or family. Living out your personal calling may not impact our church, and that’s okay! God’s mission is bigger than any one church. We're here to help you become a fully-devoted disciple of Jesus Christ!

Who You'll Become

We want to help you become a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. But what does that look like, and how can you track your progress?

You're not perfect and neither are we. Although we can never be perfect, we still believe in holding ourselves accountable in our discipleship journey. Here are the measures we use to determine who we hope you'll become as a fully devoted disciple of Jesus:

  1. Surrendered Follower
    • How is God speaking to me through His Word, and what am I doing about it?
    • What is something I need to surrender to deepen my walk with Christ?
  2. Authentic Friend
    • What is one way I have intentionally put others before myself this week?
    • In what ways have I not been transparent with those around me?
  3. Intentional Disciple-Maker
    • Who is one unsaved person I am helping take one step toward Christ?
    • Who am I intentionally discipling?
  4. Daily Difference-Maker
    • How am I living out my God-given calling?
    • How am I leaving a legacy that matters for eternity?

Your Family

We are passionate about seeing the next generation take ownership of their faith.

We believe in investing in the next generation to help them become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. That's why we prioritize creating inclusive, gospel-centered environments for kids, students, and young adults!

Kids Students NextGen

Our Community

We don't just want to be another church. We want to make a powerful, lasting impact in our community.

We want to serve our community in a way that makes a difference to the people around us. That's why we schedule regular impact projects to help meet the needs of those in our community. Visit our Community Impact page to see how you can get involved in the latest impact project!

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