Pass It On

Robert Hinz | 5/5/2024
Faith Over Fear | Part 3

God wants us to have a strong spiritual life, yet too many people won’t accept responsibility in the church. We are saved by grace, but we should also serve in grace. The work of ministry requires perseverance and endurance so we can pass on the baton of faith to the next generation.

Character Grace Obedience Holy Spirit

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In This Series

Light the Fire

Light the Fire

Faith Over Fear | Part 1

Faith Fear Obedience Holy Spirit

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Contagious Faith

Contagious Faith

Faith Over Fear | Part 2

Faith The Ministry of Christ God's Will

Watch >
Pass It On

Pass It On

Faith Over Fear | Part 3

Character Grace Obedience Holy Spirit

Watch >
Success in Suffering

Success in Suffering

Faith Over Fear | Part 4

Suffering The Ministry of Christ Obedience

Watch >
Doing God's Work

Doing God's Work

Faith Over Fear | Part 5

Bible Obedience God's Promises

Watch >
What Kind of Vessel Are You?

What Kind of Vessel Are You?

Faith Over Fear | Part 6

Faith Character Sin Obedience

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The Servant

The Servant

Faith Over Fear | Part 7

Character Forgiveness Obedience Discernment Patience

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These Difficult Days

These Difficult Days

Faith Over Fear | Part 8

Culture End Times Salvation Obedience

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