Faith Principles

Robert Hinz | 1/30/2022
Learn to Discern | Part 4

Following God’s will requires us to take leaps of faith. Biblical faith—as demonstrated by Noah in Genesis 6-8—means moving forward even when we don’t have all the answers. Faith focuses on God—NOT on the opinions of man or the obstacles in front of us.

Faith Fear Obedience God's Will God's Promises

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In This Series

Discovering God's Will

Discovering God's Will

Learn to Discern | Part 1

Obedience Surrender God's Will Discernment

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A Useful Tool and A Dumb Fool

A Useful Tool and A Dumb Fool

Learn to Discern | Part 2

Wisdom God's Will Discernment

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Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

Learn to Discern | Part 3

God's Will Discernment Distraction

Watch >
Faith Principles

Faith Principles

Learn to Discern | Part 4

Faith Fear Obedience God's Will God's Promises

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