Living Responsibly Living Responsibly

This is No Time to Pray

Joshua 7

As Christians, we should pray and seek God’s will for our lives. But sometimes, prayer can be a mask for irresponsibility. When we know what God’s Word says and when we know what God wants us to do, we don’t need to pray about it. We don’t need to pray and ask God if it’s okay to sin. We don’t need to pray and ask God if we should support the local church. We don’t need to pray and ask God if we should take responsibility for our actions. Sometimes it’s time to stop praying and start doing.

1. Read Proverbs 13:24; Ephesians 4:15; Hebrews 12:9-11 —Can you give an example of misguided compassion?

     a. How is misguided compassion harmful?

2. Read Joshua 7:1,11 — What do you think would have happened to the nation if Achan’s sin had gone unpunished?

3. The idea of corporate punishment can come across as unfair to us. Can you think of modern examples of when a nation was harmed because of one man?

     a. What could have happened if more people had taken responsibility and stood up to Hitler at the beginning of his rise to power?

4. Do you ever think of God’s corporate blessing as being unfair?

     a. Can you think of a modern example when a nation was blessed because of one man?

5. Read Deuteronomy 20:16-18 & Joshua 3:10 — Was Israel the only nation God judged corporately?

6. Read Exodus 34:5-7 & Deuteronomy 7:16 — Does it seem fair that even the children of those nations were killed?

     a. Read Proverbs 1:7-8 — Whose responsibility was it to teach the children to worship God?

7. Read Genesis 15:13,16 — For how many years did the nations have the opportunity to repent before God sent Joshua in to conquer the land?

8. Read Deuteronomy 7:24-8:5 — Achan would have heard this sermon from Moses within weeks of attacking Jericho. When Joshua gave the command to take no plunder was there any way Achan could have misunderstood? (Joshua 6:18-19, 24)

     a. Who else suffered for Achan’s irresponsibility? (Joshua 7:24-25)

     b. Did Joshua really need to ask God what had happened? (Joshua 6:18)

9. Is there a responsibility that you have been avoiding that God has convicted you of as a result of this sermon series?

     a. Have you been hiding behind prayer?

     b. Is it something God has already made clear to you in his word?

     c. Is it something for which you need to stand up and face the consequences?

*If this story is still hard to comprehend, watch Pastor Ryan’s BAC 90 from February 2, 2025 for more insight into the culture of the day and how it relates to the church now.