Trust Issues Trust Issues

Let it Go (9-15-24)

Luke 5:1-11

Do you ever play the “what-if” game? It’s easy to waste hours thinking through every worst-case scenario. And looking at our society, it doesn’t take much to feel discouraged. God tells us that we should trust Him completely, and in this message, we’ll look at how we can build our trust in God when the world around us seems so untrustworthy.

Lesson 1: Sometimes we must get out of the shallow and into the deep to learn what we need to learn.

1. Share a time that God put you into the deep and what lesson he taught you.

Lesson 2: What God asks us to do often doesn’t make sense.

2. Share a time that God’s plan made no sense to you but worked out in a miraculous way.

Lesson 3: Sometimes what God asks of us makes us feel foolish.

3. Read Matthew 6:34; Matthew 5:11; Proverbs 3:5; 1 Corinthians 1:21 & 25 — Give some examples of “worldly wisdom.” How do they hold up to the Word of God?

A prayer to pray: “Lord, help me to obey even when I don’t understand.”

4. Read Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 40:13-14; Luke 11:28; James 1:22-25 — What is God asking you to do right now that you have been hesitating on because you don’t understand the whole situation as God does?

Pastor defined “trust” from Proverbs 3:5 as the Hebrew word for “cling.”

5. What are you clinging to that is preventing you from clinging to God?

Another prayer: “Lord, help me surrender what I cannot control.”

6. Read Luke 5:11; Psalm 20:7 — Perhaps you need to be even more specific: what earthly crutch do you need to let go of?

7. Read Habakkuk 1:2, 5; Daniel 10:12; Galatians 6:9 — For what have you been hoping or praying for a while?  

8. Read Isaiah 40:27-31. (If time, read the whole chapter.) — What about God makes him trustworthy?

9. What is one verse from the sermon that you will meditate on this week, perhaps even memorize, to remind you to trust God?