The Seven The Seven

The Unsinkable

Revelation 2:12-17

When the Titanic was first created, it was considered an unsinkable ship. Yet, the ship sank, destroying the ship and ending over 1,500 lives. What went wrong? As the Titanic was being built, little compromises were made, ultimately leading to the unsinkable becoming sinkable. Similarly, the Church in Pergamum compromised, allowing pagan philosophies and unsound doctrines into the church. From both the Titanic and the Church in Pergamum, we see that compromise leads to demise. How do we stand firm and uncompromising amid a culture constantly pushing against Christianity?

1. Do you ever find yourself going full steam ahead without stopping to listen to warnings from the Lord?

       a. What can you do to stop yourself so you can take stock?

2. What methods has God used to give you warnings in the past?

3. Pastor Ryan listed several excuses that we make that should be warnings to us, such as “Everyone else is doing it,” “I can handle it,” or “No one will know.” Can you think of any other excuses?

4. What “small” compromises do you see Christians making on a daily basis? On a community or cultural level?

        a. Put yourself in the shoes of the Titanic’s safety inspector, but for the Church instead of the ship. To what catastrophic failures could these small compromises be contributing?

5. Read Exodus 23:22-26; Numbers 22:12; Numbers 25:1-3 — Would you say Israel’s greatest danger when facing the Moabites was from within or without? Why?

6. Who was familiar with the story of Balaam before Sunday? Or who read the whole story since the sermon (Numbers 22-25)?

       a. How do you think we would live if we truly saw our sin the way God saw it or if we stopped justifying our small compromises?

7. What “personal comforts” do you find hard to give up, even if you know they are holding you back from fully surrendering to the Lord?

8. Read Ecclesiastes 1:9 & Revelation 2:13— Why do you think people continue to commit the same sins generation after generation?

9. Do you ever find yourself saying you’re sorry, but you still continue to commit the same offense? What would it take to turn that sorry into true repentance (turning around) for you?