Faith Over Fear Faith Over Fear

These Difficult Days (7-21-24)

2 Timothy 3:1-5

We know that hard times will come in the last day—things aren’t going to get any easier. But if we turn away from the ungodly, follow those who are true, and continue in God’s Word, we can shine bright in the darkness and make a difference for Jesus Christ. How will you make an impact in this dark world?

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-16 as a group.

  1. Paul says that there will be “hard times” in the “last days” (verse 1). In what ways does our world seem to be getting more evil?
  2. Paul lists characteristics of the ungodly in verses 2-5. How do you see these characteristics reflected in our world today? Which of these might you struggle with? 
  3. What does it look like, practically, for us to turn away from the behaviors listed in verses 2-5? How can we guard ourselves against these behaviors?
  4. In verses 10-11, Paul talks about his own life and example. Which of the traits that he lists do you most need to develop in your own life? What step(s) can you take to do that?
  5. Paul talks about “endurance” in the face of persecution (verses 11-12). How do we develop the type of endurance and determination that Paul had?
  6. How do verses 14-16 highlight the importance of God’s Word? What is the significance of Scripture being “God-breathed” (verse 16)?
  7. Verse 17 says that Scripture equips us “for every good work.” How would you describe your current Bible reading habits, and what changes do you think you need to make to allow Scripture to better equip you for good works?
  8. Pastor Hinz shared a quote from Justin Martyr, who said that it was common to see “farmers using plows made by the carpenter Jesus of Nazareth” into the second century. Pastor said, “By that act alone, God forever established the significance of our work and service in this world.” As we think about making a difference in this dark world, how does this fact about Jesus change the way you view your work? What difference do you think God is calling you to make in your daily life?
  9. Identify one practical action you can take in response to this chapter.