BAC Kids Summer Schedule

BAC Kids will be on summer schedule from Sunday, June 23 to Sunday, August 25! This means elementary kids (upcoming 1st-6th graders for the 2024/25 school year) will be dropped off and picked up in the Refinery rather than their individual rooms.

This transition for the summer not only gives the kids a change from our regular programming, but it also allows our awesome Kids Ministry volunteers to take a much-needed break! Elementary volunteers serve in the Kids Ministry for the entirety of the school year, so we want to give them time away for the summer.

The summer schedule will not affect kids in nursery or preschool, as they change rooms by age and not by school year. Kids who will be starting kindergarten for the 2024/25 school year will move to their new room on Promotion Sunday, which is Sunday, September 1.

For the summer, kids will still be checked in as the grade they just completed for the 2023/24 school year. Kids will go by their new grade as of Promotion Sunday on September 1. This means as of September 1, kids entering 6th grade will no longer attend BAC Kids and will move up to BAC Students.


Although kids will be dropped off and picked up in the Refinery, what they experience during the service will be familiar to them. Kids will still have video teaching time, group discussion, crafts, and other activities. Kids will move through different stations throughout the service, although they will always begin and end in the Refinery for drop off and pick up.
We have summer volunteers who have completed background checks and training. They are excited to get to know your kids for the summer!
To make a clear distinction of when everyone moves to their next grade for elementary kids, junior high students, and senior high school students, we have a day called Promotion Sunday. Promotion Sunday is the day that all kids and students will move to their next grade. Upcoming 6th graders begin attending BAC Students, upcoming 9th graders move to high school, and graduating seniors no longer attend BAC Students. Promotion Sunday this year is Sunday, September 1, so until that date, your kids will be considered the grade they just completed for the 2023/24 school year.
The summer schedule begins for BAC Kids on Sunday, June 23. You will still check in your kids as normal. Then instead of going to their individual rooms, kids will go to the Refinery. You will pick up your kids from the Refinery as well.
The final Sunday where kids will be dropped off and picked up in the Refinery is Sunday, August 25. The next Sunday, September 1, kids will be promoted to their next grade and go back to being dropped off and picked up in their individual rooms.