You Can Be Fearless

Day 1

Today's Reading: Revelation 1


When we were young, we thought our parents were the strongest, most powerful people in the world. We were so little, and they were so big and strong. We felt invincible in their care. If anything went wrong, our parents could easily pick us up and put us on their shoulders. It made us feel safe and protected.

As we got older and jaded we started to believe nothing was that strong and powerful. No one can pick us up. Who could be that big? Who could possibly protect us and make our problems and hurt go away?

Revelation 1:13-18 describes the vision John received from Jesus. This was not the meek and mild Sunday School Jesus most of us imagine. This Jesus was remarkable and awesome. His eyes were like blazing fire. His voice was like the sound of rushing waters, and His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. Seeing Jesus in all His glory was so powerful John fell at His feet in awe.

Seeing Jesus as He is changes our perspective. When someone as strong as Jesus is for us, we can live with the same fearlessness and confidence we had as kids. We don’t have to fear death or what happens when we die, because Jesus overcame death and gave us the gift of eternal life.

When we admit Jesus is Lord and believe that He really did rise from the grave, we get to live with Jesus’s power on our side!


  • How is John’s description of Jesus similar or different from the way you’ve pictured Jesus in your mind? What’s one thing you will do differently today knowing the Jesus of Revelation is on your side?
  • Have you ever asked Jesus into your heart? Maybe now is the time for you to take that next step and make Jesus your Lord. Learn how here.
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Thank you to NewSpring Church for providing this reading plan.