What's the Purpose of Wrath?

Day 21

Today's Reading: Revelation 16


A loud, high-energy child is pushing his mom’s patience toward her limit. She says, “If you don’t stop, I’m going to …..”

Moments later, she says, “If you don’t stop right this minute, I’m going to …”

Then, finally, she says, “You know I mean it, you better stop right now or ….”

The mom wants her child’s behavior to change, but she is not holding up her end of the bargain. Explaining and delivering consequences are her responsibility. Talking about it with no follow through confuses the child and does not get the desired result.

Revelation 16 could be read as some distant future description of a global battle between good and evil. But, it also must be read as a personal explanation of the consequences of our sin. God is not making empty promises nor is He less than absolutely serious about His views on sin in our lives.

The Bible tells us in Revelation 16:9, and again in Revelation 16:11, that terrible things happen to people because “they refused to repent …” To repent means to turn from sinful behavior and go in the other direction. It does not mean to become perfect, but it does mean to change our attitude toward sin — trying to avoid it as much as possible, confessing to God when we do it and trying even harder to do better in the future.

God’s wrath is not the final answer for us, or at least it does not have to be. Because of God’s love and mercifulness, He provides many opportunities along the way for us to turn away from a love for sin and turn toward Him.


  • What opportunities and tools have God given you to help you turn away from sin?
  • What steps can you take to consistently overcome your sins?
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Thank you to NewSpring Church for providing this reading plan.