Baptism Baptism

What is Baptism?

Baptism is an exciting and powerful symbol of your commitment to God and a declaration of accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. It’s also a great way to share your decision with friends and family!

Baptism is a symbol of your old self dying, represented by going under the water, and the new you being raised to life. The Holy Spirit was strong enough to raise Jesus from the dead. After your decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have that same life-changing power inside you!

Sign Up to be Baptized

What is a Testimony?

A testimony is simply your life story. When you sign up to be baptized, we’ll ask you to submit your testimony. A testimony is made up of three parts:

  1. Your life before Christ – What was life like growing up? What led you to seek God and recognize you needed a Savior? Don’t be embarrassed to share the details of your past. We’ve heard all kinds of stories – drug addiction, rape, alcoholism, affairs, divorce, arrest, abortion. Your story is not about what you’ve done, but what God can redeem!
  2. Salvation – When did you realize you needed Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins?
  3. Your life after Christ – How is life different after salvation? It doesn’t mean your life is perfect or you don’t sin anymore. But how has God changed your life?


Jesus introduced water baptism in connection with His Great Commission in Matthew 28. He said that people who accepted Jesus as Savior should be baptized. This is why we believe baptism is a outward expression of your love for Jesus.

We believe in full submersion, just as Jesus was. Full submersion represents Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. In our lives, it represents our sinfulness and old way of life, and being raised out of the water to a new life in Jesus.
Baptism is the next step after accepting Jesus as Savior. By following him in baptism, you will show others you are obedient to him, and you will fall further in love with him.
We believe that you must make a decision to follow Christ before you are baptized. As parents, we can and should do all we can to point our children to Jesus. Once a child is old enough to make the decision for themselves to become a Christian, and then make the decision to be baptized, they are ready.
Once you have made a decision to follow Christ and then are baptized, there is no need to be baptized again.
If you have a physical disability that prevents you from entering our baptismal or if you cannot be fully submerged in water, please let us know. We are happy to work with you so that you can still experience baptism in a way that is safe for you.

Still have questions?

If you're not sure baptism is right for you, let us help you find your next step.

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