Living Responsibly

Current Series

It’s human nature to shift blame. From the beginning of time, people have pointed fingers and avoided owning up to their mistakes. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. But when we refuse to take responsibility for our decisions and actions, we don’t just leave our mess unresolved—we pass the burden onto someone else. Through this series, we’ll discover how to break the blame cycle, embrace personal responsibility, and experience the freedom that comes when we own up to our actions.

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You are called to something more!

Sundays in-person | 9 & 11 am
Sundays online | 9 & 11 am, 1, 3, 5, & 7 pm

God created you with a unique purpose. We’re here to help you find your calling and find your people. As you develop a community of believers and begin to live out your God-given calling, you’ll see your life transform like you never thought possible. Let’s journey together!

What To Expect About Us

As a church, our mission is to be “Everyday people living out our God-given calling as we invest in others to do the same.” Through Jesus, you’re not just saved from something; you’re saved for something—you have a unique purpose. Equip is a discipleship curriculum designed to help you discover and live out your God-given calling. Over the course of twenty-four video sessions, you’ll develop a strong foundation in your faith, clarify your purpose, and develop actionable goals for the future.

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BAC Recovery

BAC Recovery

Whatever you’re struggling with, know that God cares about you and wants more for your life. There is no addiction too great that cannot be overcome with God’s help. Find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups at BAC Recovery.

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Small Groups

Small Groups

Join a Small Group to find your people! It's important to build relationships with others, but it can be difficult to get to know people outside of Sunday mornings. Small Groups are a great way to find your people!

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Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University

If you’ve ever felt like you can’t gain control of your money, you’re not alone. But there is a way out of the mess of debt, and it starts right now!

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Do you have a prayer request to share with us? We have a dedicated team of people who would love to pray for you. Let us know what you are facing and how we can pray for you.

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