Changes are coming to BAC Students in February!

What's New?

We are excited to announce the launch of a new ministry in February called BAC NextGen! BAC NextGen will be for young adults in grade 11 through age 26. BAC NextGen will meet on Sunday nights from 5-6:30 pm in the Church Coffee House starting Sunday, February 23.

Monday, February 3 is the final BAC Students that will include grades 11 and 12. After February 3, grade 11 through age 26 will be part of BAC NextGen.

Starting Monday, February 10, BAC Students will be for grades 6-10. BAC Students will still meet on Monday nights from 7-8:30 pm. The format of the night will remain the same—games, activities, teaching, and small group discussions. The only aspect of BAC Students that will change is the ages involved.

Why This New Ministry?

Grades 11 and 12 were previously part of BAC Student Ministry, which was for grades 6-12. However, we noticed that as older students gained freedom through a driver’s license and began thinking about the next phase of life, they no longer related to younger students.

Many high school juniors and seniors dual enroll and are already taking college courses. As high school students approach graduation, their focus shifts from high school topics to young adult topics, such as, “What do I want to do for the rest of my life? What should my major be? Where should I go to college? Should I go to college? Should I get a job? Is my faith my own or do I go because of my parents?” These questions and more are questions our young adults were already asking, so we decided to add high school juniors and seniors to the group as they are all in a similar stage of life.

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BAC Students

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BAC NextGen