Bloom Update

Updated October 11, 2023

Approximately one year ago on October 16, 2022, we held a special congregational meeting where members voted to donate the house next door to a Teen Challenge organization called Bloom. We felt God was calling us to be good stewards of our blessings, and we wanted to answer that call by being open to the possibility of donating the house to an organization who could use it to help others.

We made a proposal to you, the congregation, and you generously agreed that we should pursue this opportunity. Once the vote passed, Bloom began working behind-the-scenes to convert the house into a short-term residential program and private Christian school for struggling teen girls.

As Bloom began pursuing licensing within the state of Michigan and other required permits with our local government, they discovered they will not be able to utilize the house next door as a short-term residential program. Due to ordinances within our township, Bloom is unable to use the house for their intended purposes, and therefore no longer wants to pursue the house next door as another location for their program.

Although God has closed this door with Bloom, we are encouraged by your willingness as a congregation to be faithful to what God calls us to do. Thank you for walking alongside us, and for your generosity. We’re excited for what opportunities God will open next!


Why did we vote as a congregation before checking with the township?
According to our bylaws, it is the congregation who approves the buying and selling of church property. For Bloom to begin pursuing state licensing and get township permits, they needed to know our congregation was on board with the donation of the property first. It would not have been wise for Bloom to take legal action without knowing whether our congregation would approve the donation of the property. We also didn’t want to give an outside organization permission to begin setting up a residential program next door without the congregation knowing first.

Could Bloom still use the house for other purposes?
Bloom is a short-term residential program. Since they are unable to use the house for that specific purpose, there isn’t another way for them to utilize the house.

What will happen with the house now that it’s not being used for Bloom?
We have some building plans that include the house we’re excited to announce soon!

Did we already give the house to Bloom?
No. There were no official contracts signed with Bloom that gave them the house. The house still belongs to Bedford Alliance Church.

If we didn’t give the house to Bloom, what was the congregational vote for?
The congregational vote in 2022 was simply to decide whether the congregation was on board with donating the house to Bloom, which would then give Bloom permission to pursue converting the house into a short-term residential program.

Can another organization use the house?
At this time, we don’t have another organization in mind who is able to utilize the house. We have plans for the house that we will announce soon.

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